Emergency Action Plan Development & Implementation
AEM Risk & Security Consulting Ltd. will work with your organization, one on one, to develop a comprehensive Emergency Action Plan uniquely tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization.​
We will then work with you during the implementation of your personalized Emergency Action Plan to ensure, in the event of a Critical Incident, your organization has the required protocols, procedures and training to increase the safety of your employees.
AEM Risk & Security Consulting Ltd. will also provide ongoing support to ensure the continued viability and success of your organization’s Emergency Action Plan.
Being Prepared Training Session
Are you looking for information on how a person can better protect themselves against a critical incident and acts of violence. AEM Risk & Security Consulting Ltd.'s training seminars provide attendees with information and strategies on how to react and respond during critical incident. Topics include safety strategies while at work, while commuting, while in the general public or while attending large public events.
These sessions are ideal for businesses, community groups, sports associations or anyone wanting to provide their employees, members or volunteers with training and information on how to protect themselves during critical incidents.
With over 20 years of law enforcement experience and critical incident response planning and prevention, AEM Risk & Security Consulting Ltd. walks participants through strategies and techniques they can use should they ever be involved in a Critical Incident.
Emergency Action Plan Review Services
Let AEM Risk & Security Consulting Ltd. review your current Emergency Action Plan and provide expert insight and recommendations. Our review will help ensure your Emergency Action Plan is robust and viable in the event of an actual Critical Incident.
By having your organization's plans and procedures reviewed by a subject matter expert you will further demonstrate your due diligence in providing a safe working environment and reduce your criminal and civil exposure should your company experience or be exposed to a Critical Incident.

Let's Work Together
Whether you need an expert in Critical Incidents to create and implement your personalized Emergency Action Plan, need a professional to train your employees in how to react should a Critical Incident occur or you simply need your existing plan reviewed by a subject matter expert, AEM Risk & Security Consulting Ltd. can help you.